Liquid metal enhancements for sensational PVC cards
Liquid metal printing is ultra-fast and precise technology for digital enhancement of PVC cards and other print applications. The resulting special effects provide a provocative visual communication and unique touch-and-feel experience.
Liquid metal printing technology provides flawless spot coating and stampless embossing for instantly ready-to-use prints. In addition, the press’s high resolution allows for top-quality detailing and consistent results across a wide range of media formats and thicknesses.
- Ultra-fast and precise technology for Digital UV varnish and Liquid metal printing
- 7 special Liquid metal effects for extraordinary PVC cards – Spot&Sense, Foil, Crystal, Metallic, Cast&Cure, Braille и Variable - find out more here!
- Variable data capabilities
- One-side and two-sided printing
- For instant and flawless print solutions - no need for screen printing plates
- No limits for minimum order quantities - possibility for production of single copies/samples
- Compatible with PVC material as well as offset, laminated sheets and digital print feed, the press automatically processes a wide range of paper formats and substrates
Touching the senses with print that stands out in a form never seen before in the world of printing, the press is a digital enhancement press that brings a new, high-quality look and tangible dimension to printed graphic communications. Delivering an unmatched range of enhancement, the press applies special PolySENSE™ Polymer onto selected areas of the printed image, allowing for easy single or dual-sided applications. The SENSE experience is produced through the unique digital print enhancement capabilities of the Liquid metal printing:
- 99 Gloss Units (GU): The highest gloss available for printed materials including PVC cards
- Polymer height of up to 250 microns (in Braille mode): 10 times higher than a selective polymer
- Variable density capabilities in single pass
- Variable levels of thickness and textures, from 20 to 70 microns
The technology applies digital Liquid metal effect - a combination of digital UV varnish and metallic foil. The Liquid metal effect has more embossed (liquid) structure compared to the traditional hot stamping.
- Various colored foils for liquid metal printing – gold, silver, red, blue, hologram and other
- Possibility for combined application of different foils in a single pass
- The patent-pending camera system executes enhancement with pinpoint accuracy, scanning every sheet to deliver the polymer to its exact location.
- This registration method produces output that it is superior to any other in the industry.
The Liquid metal printing is breakthrough digital enhancement printing technology, offering an opportunity to turn ordinary PVC cards into extraordinary creations.
Find out more about the special effects here!
- Spot&Sense - application of selective embossed UV varnish with possibility for digital adjustment of density and embossing
- Foil - application of colored foils (gold, silver, red, blue gren, hologram and other) onto the print media (PVC material)
- Metallic - allows users to enhance PVC cards with metallic coloring by simply utilizing the CMYK color process
- Braille - designed to provide a better quality of life for blind and visually impaired people around the world;
- Variable - accentuates the impact of digital enhancement with personalized and individualized text and graphics
- Cast&Cure - creates a high-impact 3D holographic effect, bringing a whole new dimension to the PVC cards
- Crystal - creates a true 3D dimensional effect by applying a multi-layer, receding pyramid-like build-up of polymer to printed projects
The Liquid metal printing is compatible with PVC materials, offset, laminated sheets and other digital print media for a wide range of paper formats and substrates (up to 500x700 mm).
- Marketing and corporate materials: PVC cards, catalogs, brochures, business cards, envelopes, notebooks, folders, labels, stickers,
- POS materials: boxes and packages, menus, covers, wobblers, shelftalkers, CD covers
- Occasion print applications: invitations, greeting cards, calendars, photo books and other
Find out more about media compatibility here!
All commercial PVC cards can take on a new appearance with the digital print enhancements. The Liquid metal printing advantages are:
- Engages the senses
- Makes images realistic with variable levels of thickness and texture
- High-quality look and feel
- Provides an experience and makes a lasting impression
Products enhanced with Liquid metal printing stand out from the others on the shelf, creating new avenues to market a wide range of consumer products. The Liquid metal printing value adds:
- True brand differentiation
- Tangible dimension compels handling of the product
- Customers experience and bond with products at the shelf